Photo by Karen Walrond (chookooloonks.com)
Miriam Kamin is a freelance writer in the greater Atlanta area who is prone to writing long and awkward sentences about herself in the third person when she hasn’t met you yet. Admittedly, it’s a weird little nervous habit. She generally prefers to get the introductions out of the way so that she can continue in the first person.
Hi there! Please call me Mir. I’m thrilled you’ve stumbled across my corner of the Internet. I currently own and operate two award-winning blogs of my own—in addition to writing for half a dozen others on a regular basis—so yes, Virginia, there really is such a thing as a professional blogger. Some say it’s a special skill born of a creative mind. Others say it’s a symptom of a short attention span. Either way, it works for me… and if you’re looking for a writer, chances are I’m hoping it’ll work for you, too.
Check out the Services section to find out how we can best work together, and feel free to see my LinkedIn profile to peruse my entire resume.